Saturday, November 8, 2014

Women (are Special)

Girls And Women 

Life is so long with all of the happiness and sadness of course. But  why we women don't get the happiness we deserve it. Women are those who first are born from their parents as normal but treated as abnormal in the society. We are born as normal as son but are discriminated and not kept in the place with respect to son . In the family when  boy is born then whole family gets happy but when a girl is born then the whole sadness of the family goes to her.  Just born a baby girl is said to have done so many bad things. She is just born with smile on her face which doesn't last long because she is a girl . After her birth she is cared as much as care done to the boy baby . Family just give food and necessary materials. Not the main thing that every girl wanted in her life . That love and care from her parents which she has lacked.

Just this was the situation in the family when she was little. Life is growing she is in the school however  in school due to education we get opportunity to get equal position regard to boy. We study there get our best what we have but our family doesn't accept it instead they just take out some of the mistakes we have done in it. At that we girls feel most regret that we are girls. When we need support and help from our parents and guardians , we don't get it . Boys are just given all the rights to enjoy but girls are deprived of their rights. We just are dominated to sit in the home and do house works where as boys are given full enjoyment to roam around and waste their time in unnecessary works. 

In the family whenever girls wanted to do something ,family just interrupted but with boys they just give support. Whenever girls wanted to study higher and make their own personality family doesn't give any support instead after the college ended they search husband  for her. They tries to get the girl married with the boy and where she is not ready to do it. If she don't agree then the family forced her and get her to marry. After marrying she is treated as machine just to cook food,wash clothes, dishes ,after children look after them and all that . In this way her life just ends with full of compromise,domination.discrimination and last as just behaved as machine. 

We the girls and women also have only got one precious life then why should we live like this?  We should just stand up for our right and live it as we want. We can do what we like we are master of our own. We just can do as better as male can. We have much more potentiality than them. We just need to stand and act bold to form our own personality. 

Just stand up and speak your mind. don't live with compromise and domination. We have the capability to run the world , we just need to show that to this world. don't tolerate the violence done with you. stand up and raise voice against the women violence. Take a step to remove women violence from your society  and world. 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Alchemist

The Alchemist
While sleeping near a sycamore tree in the sacristy of an abandoned church, Santiago, a shepherd boy, has a recurring dream about a child who tells him that he will find a hidden treasure if he travels to the Egyptian pyramids. An old woman tells Santiago that this dream is prophetic and that he must follow its instructions. Santiago is uncertain, however, since he enjoys the life of a shepherd.
Next Santiago meets a mysterious old man who seems able to read his mind. This man introduces himself as Melchizedek, or the King of Salem. He tells Santiago about good and bad omens and says that it is the shepherd boy's duty to pursue his Personal Legend. Melchizedek then gives Santiago two stones, Urim and Thummim, with which to interpret omens.]
Santiago wavers briefly before selling his flock and purchasing a ticket to Tangier, in northern Africa, to which he travels by boat. Shortly after he arrives there, a thief steals all of Santiago's money, so the shepherd boy decides to look for a way to make enough money to return home. He finds work in the shop of a crystal merchant, where Santiago makes improvements that reap considerable financial rewards.
After eleven months of working in the shop, Santiago is unsure of how to proceed. Should he return to Andalusia a rich man and buy more sheep? Or should he cross the vast Sahara in pursuit of the hidden treasure of his dreams? He joins a caravan traveling to Egypt.
Santiago meets an Englishman who wants to learn the secret of alchemy, or turning any metal into gold, from a famous alchemist who lives at an oasis on the way to the pyramids. While traveling, Santiago begins listening to the desert and discovering the Soul of the World. The caravan eventually reaches the oasis, and there Santiago meets an Arab girl named Fatima and falls in love with her instantly. The caravan leader gathers the travelers together and tells them that tribal warfare prevents them from continuing their journey.
Santiago wanders from the oasis into the desert and, seeing two hawks fighting in the sky, has a vision of an army entering the oasis. Because attacking an oasis is a violation of the rules of the desert, Santiago shares his vision with the oasis's tribal chieftain. Soon afterward, Santiago is confronted by a black-garbed, veiled stranger with a sword, who sits atop a white horse. It is the alchemist. The tribal chieftain arms his men, and they are well-prepared when the oasis is indeed invaded. The alchemist offers to cross the desert with Santiago.
Soon the two men enter into an area of intense tribal warfare. Warriors hold the two men captive, but eventually allow them to continue their journey. The alchemist tells Santiago that he needs to return to the oasis, and that the rest of the trip is Santiago's to make alone so that he can claim his Personal Legend.
Santiago arrives at the Egyptian pyramids and begins to dig. He finds nothing buried in the ground. Thieves beat Santiago and rob him of his money. After he tells them of his dream, though, one of the thieves recounts his own dream about a buried treasure in the sacristy of an abandoned church.
Returning to Andalusia, Santiago goes back to the church where he dreamed of the treasure near the pyramids. He digs where he slept, beneath a sycamore tree, and there it is: Santiago's treasure.